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The coaches

Our certified coaches are seasoned professionals with a passion for helping individuals and teams achieve their full potential. With extensive coaching experience and a deep understanding of the business world, our team is the go-to resource for employee coaching.

A Coach for Everyone

The perfect coach is different for every individual. With our diverse pool of coaches, expertise, and coaching styles, you’re sure to find the ideal match to support your personal and professional goals.


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Quality & Expertise

 9+, 5+ years of experience, Dutch/ English

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What to Expect from Our Coaches:

Years of experience coaching in corporate settings.

Deep understanding of your organization's needs.

Committed to continuous professional development.

High track record and client satisfaction.

Members of a respected coaching organization.

Professional environment for optimal results.

Our coaches

You can find all the English-speaking coaches listed below.
To explore our Dutch-speaking coaches, please click here.

“At DSM, we are flexible with OnzeCoach: we can offer both internal and external coaching through the same platform.”


Jeroen Kluytmans, Manager Employability DSM